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Note: Our website and this feature is intended for skilled professionals like R&D formulators - not for end consumers.
When vitamins were first discovered, they were isolated from food. It took scientists quite some time to study and isolate the vitamins.
But they isolated them so that they could study the individual vitamins and minerals.. not so that they could take it as supplements.
During WWII, the need for nutrition of soldiers overtook the need for remaining true to nature, giving the rise to cheap synthetic vitamins. Unfortunately, the industry afterwards stuck to this motto instead of reverting back to what the scientists had known for a long time: vitamins and minerals are most effective in their natural plant form, surrounded by their co-factors and co-nutrients.
Orgenetics successfully reverted back to nature with Orgen brand ingredients. These are Certified Organic and All Natural Vitamins and Minerals along with their co-factors and co-nutrients, derived from standardized extracts of Certified Organic fruits, vegetables, and other botanicals.
Standardizing is the process where we guarantee that an extract has a specific percentage of a vitamin or mineral. -- For example: Orgen-C is standardized for 50% Vitamin C, and the remaining 50% is the co-factors and co-nutrients of the Organic Amla extract (such as non-citrus bioflavonoids) that help support the stability and activity of Vitamin C.
The added benefit of these co-factors and co-nutrients is that they allow for faster and easier absorption into the body, with minimal to no stomach irritation.
Our Orgen® brand ingredients:
- Are extracted with nothing more than water
- No solvents, excipients, or carriers are used in the extraction process
- Absolutely no synthetics or additives are used
- No fermentation is used
Orgen® brand ingredients are the way to go because they offer the safety and security of Certified Organic, along with the peace of mind that it is the best and cleanest of nature available.